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Our Collection

All of the Petit VIP Collection venues have a common value: excellence.
Each property has been audited, each staff member has been trained by our team in order to guarantee to families top of the range childcare services and indelible memories.


Le Majestic


Les Neiges


Le Normandy


Le Grand Hôtel

La Baule


Le Touquet



Le Coucou


Monte-Carlo Beach Club

They speak for us

“As our kids, we had wonderful holidays. They loved the program and the Petit VIP ambassadors ! Thank you very much.”


“The Petit VIP activities are excellent and various. Every detail is very warm, and my kid felt very happy. It not only impressed my child, but all of my family.”

Guest at Ritz Carlton

“I wish we could see more hotels with such a great program for kids.”

Robb Report

“Petit VIP was a great experience that impressed my child a lot. I had never seen such a kids club in a five star hotel.”

National Geographic

“At first, I did not believe such an innovative concept could work. The children’s joy, the parents’ enthusiasm and their loyalty convinced me that we made the right decision with Petit VIP.”

JL Goube - General Manager, Hôtel L'Hermitage

“Thank you Petit VIP, I feel so grateful each time I remember the wonderful moments I had with my son.”

Shanghai Weekly